此资源暂不支持 Azuriom v1.0.
An azuriom plugin to manage issues and changelogs
An azuriom plugin to manage issues and changelogs
This is a very very first release of a plugin that aim to give ability to server administrators to manage their bugs, suggestions and changelogs in a better way
I would appreciate pull request either to improve code quality or improve and add some feature
Current features
- Search for issue using CTRL + F
- You or your users can create some issues from a dashboard using a markdown editor. An issue can be either a suggestion, or a bug.
- Chose which role can post, edit, delete, or edit others issues using Azuriom permission system
- Chose which role can answer to issues
- Post changelog using a markdown editor.
- Changelogs can be linked to some opened issues that will be automatically close when the changelog is posted.
- Upload screenshot directly within the markdown editor.
- Configure Discord webhook to notify answered issues, posted changelog, closed issues, or opened issues.
- Automatically add a message to an issue when status change to keep track of changes
- Define some tags that can be assigned to issues
- Restrict which role can use defined tags
- Download the plugin from your panel
- Define permission. By default, nobody can post issues
- Define tags in plugin's configuration if you need them
Incoming features
- Discord webhook may mention discord users that did contribute to an issue using the discord-auth plugin
- Add ability to upload images from editor
- Add automatic messages when title changes
- display tags in issues title
- Improve UI, mostly text editor, to add ability to mention an issue or a changelog
- Add filters for issues (closed/open/tag/user/search)
- Make an issue privatable so tags role restriction also apply to visibility
- French translation (any Pull Request on github would be appreciated)
- Add discord bot feature to take advantage of discord threads and replace webhooks
- Add azuriom notification