Retain your players by offering them money at random times
/!\ Pas de support pour la configuration des tâches planifiées pour le plugin Airdrop, vous devez vous rapprocher du support de votre hébergeur
/!\ No support for setting up scheduled tasks for the Airdrop plugin, you need to get closer to your host's support You need to setup Cron tasks for your website
On shared hosting you need to setup a cron task that execute with php
the file artisan
in public_html/htdocs
with the arguments shedule:run
On Linux : * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
On Windows 10 :
An improvement to suggest ? go to discord ! Une suggestion ? go sur discord ! ->
Le plugin envoie un webhook discord avec un code à une heure aléatoire en fonction des paramètres, les joueurs ont la possibilité d'entrer le code et de gagner une somme aléatoire d'argent (site).
The plugin sends a discord webhook with a code at a random time based on the settings, players have the option to enter the code and win a random amount of money (site).
Users view / Vue utilisateur (without theme / sans thème):
Admin view / Vue admin: -> Settings / Paramètres
Discord channel / Chanel Discord :
Paid extensions are made by third-party developers and Azuriom does not take any commission on sales.Information
- Author: MazBaz
- Type: Plugin
- Version: 1.0.8
- Downloads: 403
- Released: December 23, 2022 at 2:13 AM
- Updated: February 9, 2025 at 10:21 PM