Coin Flip

Heads you win, tails you lose!

Le principe est simple, pile tu gagnes, face tu perds ! Misez de l'argent et laissez faire la chance, une chance sur deux de multiplier votre mise ou de tout perdre ;) Configurez la mise minimum et le coefficient gagnant et c'est parti !

The principle is simple, heads you win, tails you lose! Bet money and let luck do its thing, one in two chances of multiplying your bet or losing everything ;) Configure the minimum bet and the winning coefficient and let's go!

Users view / Vue utilisateur (without theme / sans thème) :

Admin view / Vue admin:

An improvement to suggest ? go to discord MazBaz#3558 :) Une suggestion ? go sur discord MazBaz#3558


Paid extensions are made by third-party developers and Azuriom does not take any commission on sales.


  • Author: MazBaz
  • Type: Plugin
  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Downloads: 223
  • Released: August 9, 2022 at 7:08 PM
  • Updated: October 3, 2022 at 6:02 PM
From the same author