Your Betting

YourBetting is a plugin dedicated to betting such as sports betting.

This one offers the user to bet on matches created by the administrator, he chooses the stake, for which team, the user can also see his old bets and statistics. The administrator can create, modify, delete a match. Then he manages the different statuses of the match (in progress, waiting for result, finished, distributed). The administrator can check the plugin logs.


Les extensions payantes sont gérées par des développeurs indépendants et Azuriom ne prend aucune commission.


  • Auteur: Rémy | Innovation
  • Type: Plugin
  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Téléchargements: 3
  • Ajouté: 2 septembre 2024 à 15:03
  • Mis à jour: 17 septembre 2024 à 9:53
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