
Mystery Box is a plugin accessible under all Azuriom themes available, it is a credit game.

v1.0.5 - Mystery Box - V1.0.5 Azuriom v1.0
  • 🐛Added the ability to customize the game info text
  • 🐛Added translation of the input "Somme à misé"
v1.0.4 - Mystery Box - V1.0.4 Azuriom v1.0
  • 🐛 Added a restriction, the user cannot start a game without choosing a multiplier
  • 👷 Fix multipliers sometimes the inter-change causes problems for the server and distorts the final calculation.
  • 👷 Minor fixes and code refactorings.
v1.0.3 - Mystery Box - V1.0.3 Azuriom v1.0

🐛 Fixed the bug on maxUserBet, it was not saved when it was modified. Which raises the problem of gain distribution. ✨ Added comments in the plugin for your modifications. 🐛 Fix player bet which is now fixed as a number and not as a string sometimes.

Soon : 👷 View logs from the admin panel.

v1.0.2 - v1.0.1 - Mystery Box - V1.0.2 Azuriom v1.0

🐛 Fixed the problem concerning the distribution of winnings which sometimes was not saved.

  • Deleted the modal.js file as unnecessary.
v1.0.1 - Mystery Box - V1.0.1 Azuriom v1.0

🐛 - Fix default elements not visible. 🐛 - Fix page name 🐛 - Fix translation in the administrations tab ✨ - Added credit withdrawal protection.


✨ - Added logs in the administrations tab.

v1.0.0 - Initial release Azuriom v1.0

This is the initial release of this resource